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Introducing New NFR (not for resale) Market - Japan

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So something exciting that was also announced in July is we're introducing a new not for resale Market in Japan and this is really exciting and some of you may think gosh I don't know anybody in Japan I bet you know somebody that knows somebody in Japan it's a huge opportunity so let me share with you a little bit what this means to you guys uh NFR means not for resale and it's a hugely accepted uh way of doing business in Japan and it allows consumers to purchase products that are otherwise not available in that market so this is going to be opening in mid November and will be available to All AA Associates to be able to sell into the Japan market so Japan NFR will allow individuals in Japan to purchase AA products from the US for personal use and consumption here's why this is so huge is that Japan if you're not familiar Japan really emphasizes and places High importance on health and preventative wellness and their aging population is one of the oldest globally with 29% having 65 years or older in population statistics which means they have a high interest in health and wellness and they have a high spinning capacity they're the per perfect perfect storm of consumer base and they're extremely receptive to help Innovation and wellness and they rank in the top markets for the acceptance and Adoption of network marketing globally so it's a huge opportunity for us to grow into a new market into Japan so let me tell you a little bit about the details we're not going to go into this a whole bunch see is going to be providing some training but we were able to kind of get these first look slides before anybody else to share with you tonight so who can purchase so anybody that resides in Japan and any AA Associates or preferred customers registered in any open markets that are shipping to a Japan address will be able to purchase this NFR product it's intended for personal use and cannot be resold once in the market so that's the clear differentiator there and if an individual wants to share a SE of products with others they can invite them to enroll as an associate or preferred customer to purchase the product directly from AA so what's interesting about this is that Japan will launch the ability to be an associate and also be a preferred customer in that market so these are the products that are going to be available in the conditions around them so the Redux products are going to be the first two products right now in this market so the Sal signaling supplement a four bottle case and 42 bundle of the reduxx gel there are some order limitations so so there's a 3mon supply which is 300 in PV or 150 PV for preferred customers limited per order and you can do any product combination of that enrollment packs will not be available nor will perks or redo rewards and the eits are going to be in English so even though English is pretty much a second worldwide language just be aware of that in that market so this is the pricing with the cost import duties and tax and so the tax is being absorbed into the tax L uh line item here so you can see it's a little bit higher than you would see in the US because AO will import and then will pay all the taxes and duties required in Japan so that's how they're making it work in that market so how are people to enroll so this is going to be available in your Virtual Office so enrolling Associates will be sponsored by an existing associate they must be 18 and up same as here in the US there is no need though for them to provide a US ID or social security number they will be required to sign an affirmation letter which just confirms that they're not a US citizen they live outside the US and they are not um committing to not operating their sea business while in the USA so essentially they are signing up as an associate but in Japan through the US Channel there will be websites doc doents resources all available but it will be in English so if you want to be working in this market you may want to get Google translate it's super simple to do on the internet and be able to translate those for any folks that are in that market that don't speak 
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