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ASEA Compensation

ASEA Compensation

ASEA Compensation: 8 ways to get paid

1. Retail Customer Bonus:  Selling ASEA products is the most basic way to make a profit. Buy at the Wholesale Price, sell at the Retail Price, and keep the difference. Better yet, send someone to your website where they can purchase ASEA products at the Retail Price, and we will pay you the difference between the Retail and the Wholesale Price. The Qualifying Volume (QV) generated will be yours to fulfill Personal Volume (PV) requirements, and the Commissionable Volume (CV) will be added to your lesser-volume leg at the time the order is placed

2. Preferred Customer Bonus:  When you enroll a Preferred Customer (PC), you both benefit! Your Preferred Customer will get Wholesale Pricing through ASEA’s Preferred Customer Autoship Program, and you will earn a SG $ 35 bonus for every 50 CV generated. The Qualifying Volume (QV) generated will be yours to fulfill personal volume requirements, and the Commissionable Volume (CV) will be added to your lesser-volume leg at the time the order is placed. 

3. Fast Start Bonus:  The Fast Start Bonus is earned upon the purchase of product by a new Associate at the time of their enrollment and is based on any enrollment purchase up to 1,000 PV. The sponsor will receive a bonus equal to 20% of all commissionable volume (CV) associated with the enrollment order. If the sponsoring associate is not active in the commission week, the commission they would have received will be paid to the next qualified associate up the sponsorship tree, guaranteeing a 100% payout.   

4. Director Bonus: Achieve the rank of Director (enroll one associate with 100 or more PV on both your right and left legs) in 14 or fewer calendar days from the date of your own enrollment, and receive a SG $ 70 one-time bonus.

5. Team Commissions: Team Commissions are the foundation of the ASEA Compensation Plan. Team Commissions are paid weekly by calculating 10% of the Group Volume (GV) in your lesser Binary Tree leg, and paying that amount out in SGD. For example, if you had 5,000 Group Volume (GV) on your lesser-volume leg and 7,000 GV on your greater-volume leg, you would receive a Team Commission of SG $ 700 (10% of the 5,000 GV from your lesser-volume leg). Then, the amount of GV converted into commissions will be subtracted from both legs. The remaining difference, known as Carryover, will roll into the next Commission Period as long as you remain active with at least 100 PV. A few things to remember regarding Team Commissions:  • You must have an active personally sponsored Associate on each of your binary legs to qualify for Team Commissions. • If you do not remain active during a Qualification Period with at least 100 PV, your volume will flush, leaving zero on both your left and right legs. • There must be a minimum of 300 GV on each leg for Team Commission payout to calculate. • Any Personal Volume (PV) over 200 in one Commission Period will be added to your lesservolume leg. • Your Lifetime Rank determines how much Carryover Volume can be maintained between calendar years. If your GV on either leg exceeds the maximum listed below, you will see the excess fall off at the end of Commission Period 52 (last week of the year). These Annual Carryover Caps are as follows: 
Rank and Carryover
a. Triple Diamond and below: carryover 2 Million
b. Ambassador Diamond: carryover 3 Million
c. Ambassador Double Diamond: carryover 3.5 Million
d. Ambassador Triple Diamond: carryover 4 Million
e. Presidential Diamond: carryover 5 Million
f.  Presidential Double Diamond: carryover 5.5 Million
g. Presidential Triple Diamond: carryover 6 Million 

There is a maximum amount that will be converted into commissions in a single Commission Period based on an Associate’s Paid-As Rank. These Max Team Commission conversion caps are as follows:
Rank and Cap
a. Associate: no cap 
b. Director: no cap
c. Director 300: Cap $700
d. Director 700: Cap $1,050
e. Bronze: Cap $1,400
f. Silver: Cap $2,100
g. Gold: Cap $2,800
h. Platinum: Cap $5,600
i. Diamond: Cap $8,400
j. Double Diamond: Cap $11,200
k. Triple Diamond+: Cap $14,000
GV exceeding the Max Team Commissions becomes Carryover volume and is not converted into commissions. This Carryover volume can be paid in following weeks provided new volume is being added to the lesser-volume leg. As such, only 1 Carryover volume will be paid for every 4 CV that is generated in that Commission Period.

6. Executive Momentum Pool: The Executive Momentum Pool will allow you to earn extra bonuses for a period of time as you build your long-term residual income. It is an exciting way to be compensated based on advancement through the executive ranks— Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. This bonus also allows you to participate in the overall success of the company, since (as a new paid-as Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) you have the opportunity to receive a portion of ASEA’s global volume. Funded with 2% of total global CV, the Executive Momentum Pool is shared in tiers based on rank for a specified period of time once your shares have been unlocked by two consecutive qualifying weeks at your new rank.** Shares are allocated and paid based on rank as a percentage of PGV3 (personal group volume through three levels of your sponsorship tree). You may qualify for one share payout level at a time. Advancing from one executive rank to another before the number of weeks has elapsed for the current rank will cause rank shares to be paid at the higher percentage and the weeks allocated to the newer rank will be additional, meaning that if you reach Silver for two consecutive weeks within 12 weeks of reaching Bronze for two consecutive weeks, you will receive shares based on 60% of PGV3 for the remainder of your Bronze period in addition to the 16 weeks for Silver, as long as you maintain your paid-as Silver rank. Qualification and paid-as rank must be reached each week to receive shares for that week. Executive Momentum Pool shares are paid every four weeks. 
With Check Match, you can earn a match on the Team Commissions paid to Associates you’ve personally sponsored—and the ones they’ve sponsored, and so on, up to seven generations! Check Match is determined on the rank you achieve and your personal sponsorship tree, which is simply all of the Associates you’ve personally sponsored and the Associates that they have personally sponsored, and so on. In each personal sponsorship tree leg, each personally sponsored Associate begins a new leg, and a generation ends with a qualified ranked Associate of Bronze Executive or higher. There are no limits to the width of your personal sponsorship tree, so you can continue to add more legs to add Associates to your generations! The maximum amount of Team Commissions that you can match per Associate in your personal enrollment tree within the qualified generations is SG $ 3,500.

Figure 1 (above) will help you understand how the Check Match works within the sponsorship tree. In this example, let’s consider that you (top of your sponsorship tree) are active with a minimum of 200 PV and are qualified as a Silver Executive. This means that you will earn the Check Match through two generations on each of your four personal sponsorship legs. Once a qualified Bronze Executive or above is found on any leg, it completes the first generation for that particular leg. As you can see, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are your personally sponsored Associates and are blue (first generation). In these legs, there are additional Associates underneath them that are blue, since they also count as your first generation. In this example, A, B, C, and D, which are blue or first generation, are qualified as Bronze Executives or above, and therefore they complete the first generation for each sponsorship leg. In this example, you will earn a Check Match on 13 Associates (blue) for your first generation match. As a Silver Executive, you can earn two generations of Check Match, so you would also earn the match on the seven Associates who are represented by the color green (your second generation). However, you will not earn a match on the Associate represented by the color orange, since E qualified as a Bronze Executive or higher and completes the second generation. To earn a match on your third generation you would need to qualify as a Gold Executive. As you increase in rank, more generations will be added into your Check Match commission. The breakdown of generations included in your Check Match (CM) is as follows: Bronze (one generation) Silver (two generation) Gold (three generation) Platinum (four generation) Diamond (five generation) Double Diamond (six generation) Triple Diamond and above (seven generation) As you can see, increasing your rank only increases the number of generations you can benefit from with Check Match! ASEA will calculate the CM as a floating percentage of company-wide commissionable volume and will guarantee a payout of up to 50% of commissionable volume every commission period. Bronze Executives and above must be active with at least 200 PV to earn CM, and weekly commissions from CM cannot exceed the volume from your lesservolume leg. When you achieve more than 10,000 personal group volume (PGV) weekly and have qualified to earn Check Match, an adjustment to the CM percentage earned will be made based on the size of your largest sponsorship leg. This calculation looks at the total weekly PV in the largest leg seven generations down, compared to the total PGV seven generations down, and divides the volume of the largest leg by the total PGV for the week to get its payout percentage. For example, if your total PGV is 12,000 and your largest-leg PV is 8,000, your volume contribution percentage from that leg is 67%. This would mean that you would earn 80% of the CM percentage for seven generations in that leg. 

8. Diamond Pool: Once you reach the Diamond ranks at ASEA, you have access to a bonus pool that represents 3% of ASEA’s global volume! Your share is prorated based on your highest paid-at rank and its corresponding PGV depth. You can qualify for Diamond Pool shares beginning at the paid-at rank of Diamond Executive. Eligibility for participation in the Diamond Pool is based solely on paid-at rank. Shares are determined by the eligible personal group volume (PGV) levels associated with paid-at rank and the PGV generated within those levels. Diamond Pool shares are earned weekly and are paid out every four weeks. Each PGV point from eligible levels equals one Diamond Pool share. Share caps increase according to rank. Eligible PGV levels and share caps are shown below.

Ongoing share eligibility in the Diamond Pool depends on rank advancement activity. Diamond+ Associates must advance in lifetime rank based on the table below. A share-reduction modifier will be applied to the shares of those who do not rank advance as follows. 

Any lifetime Diamond+ rank advancement will restart the share modifier timeframe
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